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Insomnia is defined as a difficulty falling asleep and/or maintaining sleep. It is a symptom, not ... a disorder. This video explores health conditions and experiences that can cause insomnia and what ... insomnia; sleep disorder; sleep; sleep hygiene

What Are Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

*Snoring Sleep Apnea ... Snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. This can occur from large throat structures ... and other problems that block air passage. What Are Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea? If ... Otolaryngology;Pulmonology;sleep disorders;sleeping problems;snoring;sleep apnea;pm1060a;83034;breathing problems;deviated septum;pul1060

A Vocabulary for Sleep

Sleep Disorders ... Details about common sleep disorders. A Vocabulary for Sleep When you're feeling exhausted ... , only 1 thing seems to matter: sleep. But a number of sleep disorders and other problems can keep you ... 137;sleep;sleep disorders;insomnia;circadian rhythm;circadian sleep disorder;delayed sleep phase ... syndrome;hypersomnia;somnambulism;nightmares;night terrors;limit-setting sleep disorder;insufficient sleep syndrome;bruxism

The Pediatrician

: Behavioral problems Developmental disorders Functional problems Social stresses Mental ... health disorders, such as depression or anxiety Pediatrics is a collaborative specialty. These

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

for obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA [oh-ess-ay]. OSA is a sleep disorder that causes brief pauses ... Continuous positive airway pressure is a common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. This video ... CPAP; Continuous positive airway pressure; sleep apnea; obstructive sleep apnea; sleep disorder; snoring

Monitoring Your Sleep: Home Sleep Apnea Study

*Sleep Study Home ... Here is what to expect during a home sleep apnea study. Monitoring Your Sleep: Home Sleep Apnea ... Study A home sleep apnea study tracks and records body functions while you’re asleep in your own ... 88775;pulmonary;pulmonology;respiratory;tract;pul1082;monitoring your sleep;home sleep study;oxygen sensors;sleeping disorder;snoring

Overview of Tests and Procedures for Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorder Tests and Procedures ... Sleep Disorders When you're struggling to sleep or suffering from sleepiness during the day, many ... have a medical condition or sleep disorder that's causing this extreme tiredness (fatigue). To ... sleep disorders;diagnosing sleep disorder;blood test;138

Primary Sleep Disorders: Dyssomnias

A detailed look at dyssomnia sleep disorders. These sleep disorders are caused by another ... health problem. Primary Sleep Disorders: Dyssomnias The term sleep disorder covers a wide range ... sleep disorder;dyssomnia;period limb moveements in sleep;PLMS: central nervous system abnormality;restless leg symdrome;RLS;insomnia

What Do You Really Know About Sleep?

hours 3. How many Americans suffer from long-term (chronic) sleep disorders ... Why is sleep important? See how much you know about snoozing by taking this quiz. What Do ... sleep disorder; sleep; sleepwalking; sleep deprivation;

Overview of Sleep Disorders

*Sleep Disorders ... There are many types of sleep disorders. They can interfere with health and quality of life ... . Sleep problems can range from insomnia to snoring. Overview of Sleep Disorders Facts about ... sleep disorders;facts about sleep disorders;types of sleep problems;help for sleep problems

Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children

Obstructive sleep apnea is when a child briefly stops breathing while sleeping. It happens ... , disrupting the child’s sleep. Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children What is obstructive ... obstructive sleep apnea;sleep disorder;OSA;p02026

What Do You Know About Sleep?

disorder called sleep apnea can prevent a person from getting the rest they need. Sleep apnea also has been ... , stroke, and mood disorders such as irritability and depression. Untreated sleep apnea also raises ... sleep; sleep disorder; sleep problems; rest; dreaming; sleep apnea; REM; sleep amnesia;

Primary Sleep Disorders: Parasomnia

Parasomnias are common sleep disorders that are characterized by strange or bizarre behavior ... or experiences during sleep. Primary Sleep Disorders: Parasomnia Parasomnias are common sleep ... sleep disorder;parasomnia;nightmare;night terror;bedwetting;sleepwalking;139

Sleep Study

specific sleep characteristics and help to diagnose sleep disorders. Read on to learn what to ... sleep. The tests measure specific sleep aspects and help diagnose sleep disorders. A sleep study may ... polysomnogram;p09032;sleep study

Take the Sleep Apnea Quiz

disorder marked by many brief interruptions of breathing during sleep. 1. Sleep apnea is most ... When your sleep is upset throughout the night, you can be very sleepy during the day. Maybe you ... sleep apnea; breathing disorder; fatigue; sleep problems; sleep apnea symptoms; sleep apnea treatment;

Restless Leg Disorders in Kids with ADHD

The Link Between Kids with ADHD and Restless Leg Disorders and Sleep Disorders ... Research suggests children with ADHD are more likely to have sleep disorders. These include ... likely to have sleep disorders. These include insomnia, daytime sleepiness, trouble or abnormal ... attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder;ADHD;sleep disorder;insomnia;periodic limb movements in sleep;restless legs syndrome;PLMS;RLS;62

Night Shift Quiz

. 1. If you work at night, try to keep the same sleep schedule on the days you work and the days ... Going back to a typical day schedule during your time off will make it harder to sleep during the day ... night shift; shift work; sleep; sleep disorder; sleep problems; sleep schedule;


*Trouble Sleeping ... Trouble Sleeping ... night, staying asleep, or both. It's one of the most common sleep disorders. Episodes of insomnia ... don't lead to restful sleep Sleep disorders, such as restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea ... 136;trouble sleeping;insomnia

Sleep Apnea

Understanding Sleep Apnea ... happens in both genders, but it's more common in men. Sleep apnea is a breathing disorder causing brief ... disorders may make a diagnosis and start treatment. Several tests are used to evaluate sleep apnea ... involuntary breathing pauses;apneic events;breathing disorder;P01301

Topic Index - Respiratory Disorders

. Topic Index - Respiratory Disorders Respiratory Disorders Home Anatomy of the Respiratory System ... Common Cold Influenza Pharyngitis / Tonsillitis Sinusitis Lung Diseases and Disorders ... respiratory disorders, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, control, and treatment

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