
Community Health Needs Assessment

Help shape the 2025 Community Health Needs Assessment

Take the Survey

A Better Place to Live and Grow

Where and how we live are vital to our health. Access to nutritious foods, economic opportunities, and growth for our communities are fundamental in shaping our futures. It takes many people and partners to make our communities safe and healthy. Our hope is to understand the needs of our community and help provide opportunities for everyone to achieve optimal health. Our health system is working to meet the needs of our community to make Berrien County, and the surrounding areas, a better place to live.

2022 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) 

2019 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)

2016 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)

To submit feedback on the 2022-2024 CHNA or to request a presentation on the findings for a community group or organization, please email us at To request a print copy, please contact us at 269.556.2808.