Our Wound Care Patients Say it Best

Sep 15, 2016 Reporting from Niles, MI
On the Road to Healing - Al Bock
Sep 15, 2016
When Al Bock, 51, a Stevensville resident, began feeling a pain in his abdomen, he didn’t think much of it. Al had experienced gallbladder attacks in the past, and had always been able to manage the symptoms with medication. However, this time was di

On the Road to Healing - Al Bock

SpectrumHealth Lakeland

On the Road to Healing - Al Bock

Sep, 2016

Physicians: Glen Hastings, MD

When Al Bock, 51, a Stevensville resident, began feeling a pain in his abdomen, he didn’t think much of it. Al had experienced gallbladder attacks in the past, and had always been able to manage the symptoms with medication. However, this time was different. The pain did not resolve, and when it started to affect his ability to work, he decided it was time to go to the Emergency Department.

Shortly after he arrived, an MRI revealed a much more serious condition. Al was suffering from a bowel obstruction caused by Crohn’s disease, a condition that causes inflammation and scarring throughout the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth through the large intestine. If left untreated, obstructions can lead to life-threatening consequences.

General surgeon, Glen Hastings, MD, performed surgery to remove the blockage. However, as time went on, Al found himself limited by his surgical wound, which had developed a superficial infection and was not healing correctly. Once again, Al sought out help; this time Dr. Hastings recommended the Lakeland Homecare team.

“I’ll admit I was very worried when I realized how long my wound was taking to heal,” said Al. “When my Homecare nurse Rick [Glowacki] first starting visiting me at my house I couldn’t even look at the wound myself.”

Rick would visit Al every third or fourth day and talk with him about the correct way to change the dressings on his wound.  

“I was absolutely stunned by the compassion, concern, and humility the Lakeland Homecare staff showed me,” said Al. “They talked to me without making me feel like they were in a rush to get in and get out, they truly listened to me, and instantly, they became my champions.”

Lisa Kiser, RN, certified wound, ostomy, and continence nurse, immediately recognized Al as someone who qualified for vacuum-assisted wound therapy, a portable treatment that helps fight infection and encourage faster healing.

“Vacuum-assisted closure of a wound is a unique type of therapy,” said Lisa. “The gases in the air around us put pressure on the surface of our bodies. During the treatment, a vacuum pump decreases air pressure on the surface of the wound which helps gently drain excess fluid over time. This can reduce swelling, and may help clean the wound and remove bacteria.”

Although vacuum-assisted therapy can typically take between one to two months to complete, Al said he was impressed with how quickly his wound began to heal. He only missed one week of golf and was back on the road riding his motorcycle with plenty of warm, summer weather left to enjoy.

“Looking back on the therapy, I can’t complain,” said Al. “My treatment only lasted 30 days when it could have been 90 or more. The Lakeland Homecare staff really did make it easy for me.”


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