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Lung Cancer: Planning for the Future

loved ones may provide support when you need it most. Advance medical directives Advance medical ... directives, like living wills, are legal statements that explain your healthcare wishes. You can ... 88835;lung cancer planning for the future;advance medical directives;hospice care;advance medical ... directives;advanced medical directives;advanced medical directive;advance medical directive;end of life

How Much Do You Know About Advance Directives?

states require all residents to have an advance directive. You didn't answer this question ... Know About Advance Directives? How important is it to draw up a living will? Take this quiz ... advance directive; living will; end of life;

Grief and Loss

dying as the end stage of life is what the grieving process is all about. What is anticipatory ... happen in the case of anticipated death? Many, although not all, people facing their own death

Choosing an Agent

states have other restrictions on who can be named as an agent for an advance directive. Be prepared ... Tip: It's a good idea to write down your wishes and give a copy to your agent and all others who are involved with your healthcare. ... attorney;advance medical directive;end of life treatment;82510;advanced directives;advanced medical ... directives;advanced medical directive;Advance Directives;Advance Directive;Contract;Wills;living will;death and dying rights

Advance Medical Directive

*Advance Medical Directive ... An advance medical directive is a form that lets you plan ahead for the care you’d want if ... Directive An advance medical directive is a form that lets you plan ahead for the care you’d want if ... advance medical directive;health care power of attorney;durable power of attorney;living will;legal ... document;82506;advanced directive;advance medical directives;advanced health care directive;health

Providing Support for the Bereaved

. Here are some helpful ideas. Providing Support for the Bereaved There are many things you ... when you are with the bereaved. They are also thinking about this person. It is acceptable and natural ... support for bereaved;assist bereaved person;providing support;bereaved;p07318

Checklist for Surgery/Consent Forms/Insurance Information

or concerns. What are advance directives? When you are admitted to the hospital, hospital staff ... may encourage you to make an "advance directive." Advance directives are legal documents. They ... P01393;surgery preparation;informed consent form;informed consent;advance directives;living will;durable power of attorney for healthcare

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL): Radiation Therapy

is sometimes used along with chemotherapy (chemo) to treat ALL. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia ... (ALL): Radiation Therapy  What is radiation therapy? Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to ... acute lymphocytic leukemia;ALL;radiation therapy for ALL;ballt8

Understanding Informed Consent

, make sure all your questions are answered. Write down your questions before hand Then write down ... and informed consent with teens are complex. They vary from state to state. All their questions ... surgery preparation;informed consent form;informed consent;advance directives;living will;durable power of attorney for healthcare;P03029

Topic Index - Care of the Terminally Ill Child

Dying Process The Dying Process Grief and Bereavement ... child death, Anticipatory Grief, Dying Child, Supportive Care Child, Palliative Care Child, Hospice Care child, Dying Process, Grief, Bereavement

Grief and Bereavement: When a Child Dies

Bereavement: When a Child Dies Everyone grieves in their own way. The process of grieving is often long ... and painful for all who knew the child. This can include parents, siblings, relatives, friends, peers ... child death;bereavement;grieving;grief;stages of grief;terminal illness child;p03048

An Agent’s Role for Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care

and donate your organs, unless you’ve stated otherwise in your advance directive Find out whether ... Refuse or stop tube feeding or other life-sustaining care—even if you haven’t stated on your advance ... directive;end of life treatment;durable power of attorney;living will;legal consent;82508;advanced ... directives;advance medical directives;advanced medical directive;Contract;Wills;Power of Attorney;Health

Discussing Death with Children

all ages need honest and accurate information about their illness, treatment options, and outlook ... fear are all acceptable. It's important to understand that all children and families are different ... child death;bereavement;grieving;grief;stages of grief;terminal illness child;P03046

COPD: End-of-Life Care

for yourself. A living will is one type of advance directive. This document describes the type ... is a second type of advanced directive. This document names the person you would like to make ... COPD;chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;end-of-life care;advance directive;18902

Life Support

to your healthcare provider about issuing a DNR (Do-Not-Resuscitate) order. DNRs and advance ... directives may not apply during anesthesia, in emergency rooms, or when emergency medical teams respond ... directive;82512;advanced medical directives;advance medical directive;Advance Directives;Advance ... life support treatment choices;end of life care;basic life support;advanced life support;cpr

Important Decisions to Be Made in the Dying Process

proxy or advance directive. Or when there are disagreements among family members. Senior healthcare ... needed and make sure they have the resources and time to provide that care. Advance directives if age ... p07242;dying process;decisions in dying process;advanced directives;do not resuscitate order;DNR

Topic Index

Decisions to be Made in the Dying Process The Dying Process Grief and Bereavement A terminally ill ... child death, Anticipatory Grief, Dying Child, Supportive Care Child, Palliative Care Child, Hospice Care child, Dying Process, Grief, Bereavement

4 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Age

While medical advancements have made aging easier for some, changes in society may make it more ... retirement; living will; advanced directive; healthcare decisions; assisted living; nursing home

Understanding Advance Care Planning

*Advance Care Planning ... Proxy form, Living Will, Durable Medical Power of Attorney, and Advance Directive. The ... Advance care planning is the process of deciding one's own future medical care. It helps to ... 41115;understanding advance care planning;living will;durable medical power of attorney;advance directive;healthcare proxy;ACP

Hospice or Palliative Care: Management

experience. Grief and bereavement When a person is very close to dying, their family members may ... . Bereavement is the time of sorrow a person has after the loss of a loved one. Hospice care

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