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Take the Senior Nutrition Quiz

Eating a healthy diet is essential for people of every age. But as you age, doing so is especially ... Nutrition Quiz Eating a healthy diet is essential for people of every age. But as you age, doing ... nutrition; older adults and nutrition; nutrition and aging; health eating; healthy diet; aging and diet;

Body Changes That Come with Aging

*Aging Body Changes ... how you move, and walk are all part of brain health. A number of things can negatively affect your ... With age comes many changes to the body. Both physical and mental changes occur, many of which are ... fatigue and aging;aging;brain health;sarcopenia;aging and nutrition;cognitive changes;senior cognition;61150

Exercise Ideas for Older Adults

is a smart and easy way to stay fit and improve your health. Exercise is just as important in your ... healthy body weight, keep joints flexible and healthy, and improve balance to reduce falls ... aging;exercise;senior living;balance and strength;4506

Aging and Nutrition Problems

*Aging and Nutrition Problems ... get enough nutrients can help you be healthier.. Aging and Nutrition Problems Poor nutrition ... means not getting enough nutrients from food to keep you healthy. This can cause many kinds of health ... 60083;Aging and Nutrition Problems;nutrition management seniors;senior weight;senior nutrition;nutrition support seniors;failure to thrive

Caring for Someone with Alzheimer Disease

: Health history and review of all current medicines Review of any family history of dementia and ... one does things to stay as emotionally and physically healthy as possible. According to the ... Alzheimer disease;dementia;cognitive function;elderly;senior citizen;senior health;family history;mental status;62

Exercise Safety Tips for Seniors

for your body and mind - and essential for healthy aging. By following this exercise checklist you ... Tips for Seniors As we age exercise is one of the most important things we can do for our overall ... exercise;lifestyle;nutrition;seniors;WN03561_eng


Learn about the medical uses, claims, and side effects of proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins ... properties and may help prevent cancer.  Proanthocyanidins are in a group of compounds called polyphenols ... Proanthocyanidins;polyphenols;cancer;age-related problems

Longevity Quiz

correct answer is It's important to maintain a healthy weight. Even if they eat well and ... What's the secret to a long, healthy life? The secret is that it depends on you. The ... longevity; aging and health; centenarian; old age; healthy aging; healthy lifestyle;

Take the Senior Oral Health Test

older adult. Take the Senior Oral Health Test Getting older can affect your oral health. Some ... by taking this quiz. 1. All people eventually lose their teeth as they age. You didn't ... oral health; dental care; senior oral health; tooth decay; oral hygiene; brushing; flossing;

For Seniors: Don't Take Your Eyes for Granted

*Eye Health Seniors ... For Seniors: Taking Care of Your Eyes ... eye diseases like glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) might be present before you ... , diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and dry eye syndrome can all rob you of your sight. It's best to

Take the Senior Fitness Quiz

the Senior Fitness Quiz You don't have to be reminded about the aging process. It's inevitable ... as you age and helps prevent back problems. Endurance exercise, also called aerobic exercise ... senior fitness; exercise; exercise and aging; aerobic exercise; strength training;

The Hidden Danger of Addiction Among Older Adults

When you think of aging-related diseases, heart disease and dementia probably come to mind. But ... more than tripled among Americans ages 65 and older. And alcohol-induced fatalities have been ... seniors; overdose; prescription drugs;

StayWell and Krames Consumer Health Library Disclaimer

StayWell and Krames Disclaimer I acknowledge that: This site - STAYWELL (also known as SCHL ... ) - and any information and resources contained on this site: (i) is provided for informational

New Year's Quiz

regular checkups and age-appropriate health screenings are important to help prevent disease. For ... Happy New Year! It’s time to look ahead to the next 12 months and see what you can do to maintain ... resolutions; healthy lifestyles; quitting smoking; eating healthy; nutrition; fitness; exercise ... ; weight control; stress management; sleep; preventive medicine; health screenings;

When Your Child Has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

*ALL Ch ... learn more about ALL and how it's treated. What is ALL? ALL is a fast-growing cancer that affects ... the bone marrow and blood. Bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside bones where new blood cells are ... 40353;40353;when your child has acute lymphoblastic leukemia;acute lymphoblastic anemia, child;ALL ... , child;ALL risk factors, child;ALL symptoms, child;ALL diagnosis, child;ALL treatment, child;ALL long-term concerns, child;ALL coping, child

Adjustment Disorders in Children

adjustment disorder? Adjustment disorders happen at all ages and are quite common in children and ... child? Treatment will depend on your child’s symptoms, age, and health. It will also depend on how ... with anxiety;adjustment disorder with anxiety and depressed mood;adjustment disorder with disturbanc of ... conduct;adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct;adjustment disorder unspecified;P01573

Family Fun on a Budget

? Consider putting out bowls of healthy toppings for pizzas and letting everyone create their own. You ... cities have websites advertising free or low-cost community events. Don’t forget national and state

Preventing Falls: Make Your Health a Priority

*Prevent Falls Make Health Priority ... Preventing Falls: Staying Healthy ... sense of thirst decreases with age. Eat breakfast. Plan regular meals and healthy snacks. Ask ... health problems and review your medicines. How chronic conditions increase your fall risk Health ... ;elderly;senior;seniors;falling;movement;balancing;balance;vision;vertigo;dizziness;fall risks;risk;prevent falls;fall prevention

For Older Adults: You Can Beat the Heat

Older Adults and Heat-Related Illnesses ... aging if there's a program that gives window air conditioners to seniors who qualify. If you can't ... afford to run your air conditioner, contact your local area agency on aging or senior center. Ask if they ... keep cool;heat illness;seniors beat heat;handle heat illnesses;Heat stress;heat fatigue;heat cramps;heat exhaustion;heat illnesses symptoms;2928

Nutrition: School-Age

Healthy Food Choices for School-Age Kids ... Helpful information and tips on healthy food choices for school-age children. Nutrition: School ... ) need healthy meals and nutritious snacks. They have a steady but slow rate of growth and usually eat 4 ... healthy meals;healthy snacks;P02280;children and teens;physical activity

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