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North Africa

How are some SWMC missionary doctors like Navy Seals? 

dog-tag-smA Navy Seal is one who performs strategic operations in undisclosed locations in order to advance the cause without receiving praise or recognition. Some of our Southwestern Medical Clinic doctors serve around the world in undisclosed locations to protect their safety. Many perform their work tirelessly - advancing the cause of Jesus Christ - without being noticed, praised, or recognized.

Dr. “T” serves in North Africa. His dog tag is blank because he serves for more than just self-glorification. 

How far would you go to serve a worthy cause? Would you put your life at risk? How about the life of your family? Deep within these doctors there is a driving force greater than fame and fortune. These doctors show more concern for the physical and spiritual well being of others, than they do for self preservation.

The Southwestern Medical Clinic Foundation offers a matching grant of $7,500 to help an undercover doctor.

Dr.”T” is a surgeon who does surgery the old fashioned way. The technology in his area is far behind US standards. Currently, there are no laparoscopic surgeries being performed. Full belly incisions are the only way to correct infirmities. The Southwestern Medical Clinic Foundation is in the process of raising funding for laparoscopic and other medical related equipment. In addition, we are providing funds to assist the poor with treatment.  The total amount to be raised is $15,000.  $7,500 of that will be donated from the matching fund.

Medical Excellence

Southwestern Medical Clinic physicians are well trained and have international experience  Many Southwestern Medical Clinic doctors serve either short term, or long term missionary 

Hydrocephalus-before-VP-smefforts.They constantly share information across the globe with their partners abroad. Because of this collaboration, they are able to access a wealth of information and look at current medical conditions with a comprehensive viewpoint. Their desire is to give all patents the best care available.

Missionary Involvement

Dr. “T” is about to begin a new program, mentoring family practice residents in surgery. There are currently only a few specialist in the country. This program will bring him and his family in close contact with the young doctors undergoing training. It is an opportunity to  influence young doctors in how they relate to patients.

At this training hospital, Dr. “T” and his wife, who serves as a nurse, have the blessing of also working with the staff and patients. They have the privilege of being part of life changing experiences -  like working on a child with a cleft palate.

VP-shunt-placement-smThrough close relationships, this missionary couple desires to build trust and friendships, which they pray will last for eternity. Though physical security is a risk at times, these workers are more concerned with the health and eternal security of each individual they encounter.

Christian Witness

The light that shines the farthest must shine brightest at home.  In a recent newsletter, Dr. “T” and his wife shared the following concerns: “Please lift us up: That we will be effective medically, educationally, and in sharing the entirety of our lives with the people we work with. We can use guidance on how to live in this environment and how to relate to those around us. Safety is also an issue at times. Thank you for helping us in all ways in the Captain’s work. We thank Him for you all being on our team. “

This couple represents each one of us who desire to see the Kingdom of God advance on earth. They need our help! They need our voice! They need our support!  Imagine living in a country where your religious views are seen as a threat and you have to be very careful in how you present the love of Christ. Most of us know little about this type of lifestyle.

We ask you to lift up Dr. “T” and his wife in your regular prayers. We also ask you to consider supporting this effort to advance the Kingdom of God in strategic areas of the world. Please consider giving a generous gift today by printing, completing and mailing this support card with your gift or clicking the donate now button below.

If you'd like to support our mission in North Africa, please click on the Donate Now button below.