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Health Library

  • Protecting Your Child from Chronic Diseases

    Protecting Your Child from Chronic Diseases

    Chronic diseases are long-lasting health conditions that require ongoing care. You might think that such diseases are only an issue for adults. But 2 in 5 school-aged kids are affected, too. Here are answers to common questions about reducing your child’s risk of developing many chronic diseases.

  • Proper Dental Care Begins with Baby Teeth

    Proper Dental Care Begins with Baby Teeth

    Healthy teeth are important to your child’s growth and development. They help your child eat right, talk properly, and smile with confidence. Primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, hold space for permanent teeth.

  • Orienteering: A Workout for Your Body and Mind

    Orienteering: A Workout for Your Body and Mind

    For a fun, active solution that also benefits your physical health, try orienteering. It’s an activity that combines exercise with reading a map and using a compass.

Wellness Center

Introduction to Menopause

Introduction to Menopause

When a woman permanently stops having menstrual periods, she has reached the stage of life called menopause. This stage signals the end of a woman's ability to have children.


Over-the-Counter Medicine Quiz

Just because a medicine is available without a prescription doesn't mean it's safe to take. Take this quiz and learn the ins and outs of OTC medicines.


Step-by-Step: Giving an Emergency Dose of NARCAN for Opioid Overdose

Here are the steps for giving an emergency dose of Narcan for a drug overdose.

Symptom Checker