Our Approach to Liposuction

It’s not easy achieving your goals for your body, especially when it comes to reducing stubborn fat in certain areas. Diet and exercise don’t always work, but liposuction is a long-proven method for effectively contouring the body and shaping your problem areas. We know you’ve worked hard to get where you’re at, so allow us to help put the finishing touches on the new you.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction, or liposculpture, is a well-known procedure that is effective at reducing fat pockets through minimally-invasive techniques. It’s also a technique that can be included in many different plastic surgery procedures like the tummy tuck, neck lift, or mommy makeover. There are also many different types of liposuction, including tumescent and ultrasonic liposuction, which use different techniques to break up fat for easier removal. This removal occurs with the help of a cannula and surgical vacuum.

Can Liposuction Benefit Me?

Liposuction is most beneficial for patients that are at or near their ideal weight and are looking for the removal of stubborn fat pockets. You should be in good health and have good skin quality that will not require a lift procedure. You should also be sure to discuss during your consultation any medical conditions that may prevent you from having a safe and successful procedure.

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure and works best as a complement to a healthy lifestyle. We perform fat grafting or fat transfer procedures, so you should be sure to consider your options for natural fat augmentation. Liposuction can be performed on many different areas of the body like the stomach, hips, thighs, arms, chin, and back.

What Should I Know About Liposuction?

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures from year to year that continues to develop as more effective techniques are explored. At Stonegate Plastic Surgery, we offer the following:

Tumescent Liposuction

This type of liposuction requires an injection of a sterile saline solution, called tumescent solution, into the treatment area. It can also contain a diluted anesthesia for comfort during the procedure. This helps break down fat for easier removal using a cannula and surgical vacuum. It can also reduce bruising and bleeding in the treatment area.

Ultrasonic Liposuction

This technique uses ultrasound technology to liquefy fat for easier removal. It can do this using either a specialized handpiece on top of the skin that emits the ultrasonic frequency or using a special cannula that vibrates very quickly and emits ultrasonic frequency at the same time. This method is sometimes called power-assisted liposuction.

During your consultation, we can assess your goals and anatomy and create the best liposuction treatment plan for you using the best in liposuction techniques and tools.

Your Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction can be performed in our private, accredited surgical facility using general anesthesia. Depending on your chosen procedure, it begins with a small incision and tumescent solution. Then, a cannula with an attached surgical vacuum is inserted underneath the skin (an ultrasonic handpiece may also be used to liquefy fat). The fatty deposit is then carefully and effectively removed using a gentle sweeping motion to help further break up fat. Once the desired contour is created, the incision is closed with sutures. Then, a compression garment is fitted over the treatment area.

What Can I Expect After Liposuction?

You’ll be able to return home immediately after your liposuction procedure, although we recommend you take a few days off from work or school to recover. You can expect some discomfort and swelling, which can be managed with prescribed medications. We’ll instruct you to wear your compression garments until a later follow-up appointment since this can aid blood flow to the area and help your skin adhere to the new contour. You can expect some bruising at your incision site, but this usually subsides within a week or two. Most patients feel comfortable returning to light work after a few days’ rest and recovery. However, you can expect to see your best results emerge over the course of the next few months as your body adjusts to the new shape and contour.

Your Consultation at Corewell Health Plastic Surgery

Liposuction can be one of the best ways to put the final touches on your new body and refine your results. To plan the best liposuction procedure for you, contact our office by calling or filling out our online form and request a consultation.