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  • Age 45 or Older? Schedule Your Colorectal Cancer Screening

    Age 45 or Older? Schedule Your Colorectal Cancer Screening

    Cancer of the colon and rectum is the second deadliest cancer among U.S. adults. In recent decades, there has been a sharp rise in colorectal cancer cases among adults younger than age 50.

  • What Women Need to Know About Lung Cancer

    What Women Need to Know About Lung Cancer

    Although breast cancer is more common among American women, lung cancer is the top cancer killer of women (and men) in the U.S. In fact, lung cancer has killed more women than breast cancer for close to 35 years.

  • Heart Disease Can Be Trickier in Women

    Heart Disease Can Be Trickier in Women

    Heart disease trumps all other diseases, including cancer, as the number one cause of death for American women. That's partly because women may suffer from less recognizable heart attack symptoms. The condition may also affect a woman’s body differently, making it harder to recognize.

Wellness Center

Allergy Overview

Allergies are problems of the immune system. Normally the immune system attacks harmful things such as viruses or bacteria. But sometimes it overreacts and responds to things that are normally harmless. These may include dust, mold, pollen, or food.


Head Lice Quiz

True or false: Head lice travel from one person's head to another's by jumping. Check out this and other answers to true-false questions about head lice.


The Importance of Skin and Foot Care

Learn how managing your blood glucose levels will help you to prevent or delay skin and foot problems.

Symptom Checker
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