
COVID 19 Support

Build Resilience. Improve Wellness.  Thrive Together.

Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from difficulties, depression, illness or adversity.

Since COVID-19 reached our community, we've experienced significant changes to our daily life causing a roller coaster of emotions.  We've all been touched by this pandemic differently and we all cope with the added stress differently.  However, we can all gain skills to build our resilience through this crisis, so we will come through stronger. 

Building resilience begins by asking myself:

  • What is good in my life that I can focus on today?
    • Allow yourself to turn your focus from the negativity around you and in your thoughts, to the good and positive things that are still in your life. Being positive and hopeful is key to being resilient in all situations.   
    • 9 Ways To Stay Positive During The Coronavirus Pandemic


Need Support Now?

Call Lakeland EAP 24/7 at 269-428-0022

 Yoga & Meditation at Lakeland